POEM: The Patriot – by Motsoakgomo I Papi Nkoli
By Motsoakgomo I Papi Nkoli
I am a child of South Africa.
I am born in, raised, nurtured and protected by, South Africa and her people;
And to South Africa, her people, leaders and national values I am loyal.
Not knowing whether ridicule, imprisonment, or death await me,
I am entitled to carry out my inalienable duties and responsibilities
In pursuit of the current and future rights, privileges and benefits
Of the men, women and children of this beloved country.
Upon these values, I invoke the courage to respond to the pleas of all my fellow citizens
For me to join them in the fight for, and pursuit of, our national values.
These are the values that bind me to past and future South African souls.
Against unseasonable encounters, with these values I anchor myself onto my South Africa.
I will not be arbitrarily forbidden from:
Loving and joining hands with the people of my country;
Protecting our national values, natural and economic resources
From all intents and actions that are harmful to our national good;
Initiating, promoting and supporting our collective moral, cultural, innovative and trade values
In pursuit of building a common purpose and prosperous South Africa;
Demanding, and be provided with, full accountability
From all who pursue, and whose, activities affect my community’s and our public life;
Enjoying the benefits of a secure and healthy social and natural environments
While improving them for our children’s present and future benefit;
Paying allegiance to, and sacrificing for the benefit of, South Africa and her people;
And acting towards developing an African civilisation.
At all times, I will:
Act in promotion of all that reflects South Africa’s common purpose
And advance her collective good,
And oppose all that harms her;
And uphold, respect and protect our Constitution as the supreme law of our Republic
And whose ideals and principles I will not hesitate to advance.
Recognising the injustices of our past, we, the people of South Africa:
Honour those who suffered for justice and freedom in our land;
Respect those who have worked to build and develop our country;
Believe that South Africa belongs to, and should be enjoyed by, all who live in it, united in our diversity;
And recognise those among us who advance our common purpose and national values
In pursuit of our social, cultural and economic unity and prosperity.
Together, we are loyal to the Republic of South Africa.
Recognising our triumphant past sacrifices,
It is my hope that the future will strengthen me to sustain the true form of our democracy
Through which resonates the spirit of all the communities of this land.
Armed with the mind, pen, sword, limb and life, these values shield me and fellow South Africans
In our pursuit of:
All that is honourable; a common purpose and fulfilling national life;
And the land of brighter days and an inclusive prosperity.
These are our national values, my national values.
For them, I expect to do no less and still live with my conscience.
This is our defining moment in the history of humanity;
This is my hour in history;
And these are our national values.
For them I rise!