OR Tambo School’s advanced political education classes, termed strategic courses, is set to start on 23 October 2020 amongst ANC National Parliament deployees. Focused on the module of Basic Economics, the course is part of pilot phasing that includes Tools Analysis classes currently running concurrently in four provinces.
“Whilst delivering the Tools of Analysis courses in the four provinces, Basic Economics targeted at Parliamentarians will comprise of six classes conducted on Fridays and Saturdays starting on 23rd and 24th of November 2020. This means the module will run until end 07th November” explains OR Tambo School, Dr David Masondo.
The Basic Economics module introduces basic economic concepts in a manner that enables analysis of South Africa’s political economy. It explores a number of basic economic concepts and applies these concepts to enable participants’ analysis of economy and how to change it. It will provide students with tools to participate in socio-economic policy discussion and policy making.
Successful participants of the module will be able to: –
• Understand how the modern economy works from different perspectives.
• Understand and explain basic economic concepts including core economic indicators and measures and apply these to the analysis of the South African economy in order to develop, transform and grow it.
The Basic Economics module’s facilitators are renowned in the subject of economics and development. These include Dr Rob Davies, Botlhale Seakeng, Isaah Mahlangu, Dr Kenneth Creamer, Dr. Basani Baloyi, Professor Chris Malikane, Ayabonga Cawe and Dr Mark Wegerif.
The course structure of all strategic courses is based on integrated contact sessions, learning support and assessment. To be successful one must submit all independent tasks, attendant contact sessions where registers will be marked as well as pass the final assessment.
“We are confident that the economics learning experience will deepen and enhance the ability of the ANC public representatives in their continuous contribution towards the development, growth and transformation of the economy to serve South Africans better”, concludes Dr Masondo.
Issued by the OR Tambo School of Leadership
For comment and any other enquiries please contact:
• JP Louw on 066 056 0911 or e-mail jplouw@thero.co.za;
OR alternatively
• Siphokazi Mbolo on 078 786 4709 or e-mail siphokazim@ortamboschool.org.za