Whether our problems will ever get to zero is a problem we will always worry about. Even if we make much progress, we will surely discover more hazards to rectify and new ways to enrich our lives and deepen our democracy. Prof Muxe Nkondo, Chairperson, Collins Chabane Foundation and Rixaka Forum If you follow headlines, …
The workers and students’ alliance was consolidated on the strength of three different ideologies which are Black consciousness, Black feminism and Marxism. The alliance was formed at the behest of workers and students fighting for a decent wage, the abolition of tuition fees, University transformation, and the insourcing of all university labour services by Ashley …
A better South Africa cannot be realized if we continue to be blind to inequality and poverty implications of our day to day decisions. This includes legal and policy making processes, incorporating litigation and judgements. In other words, if we continue making decisions, laws and policies that are social justice impact unconscious, ending inherited race, …
The last few years have seen intense navel-gazing by South African progressives, but with little or no concrete results or solutions. Looking at the challenges faced by the left in South Africa, we need to appreciate global dynamics as well as developments within our own political economy. By Dr Yacoob Abba Omar “How did we …
What are the questions – ideologically speaking – which drives discourse and practices in South Africa? And are these rooted in the original idea about the type of South Africa we sought to achieve? This 45th Edition of Umrabulo applies itself to this vexing question. Under the theme “Ideological Contestation in South Africa”, we provide …