…during the two World Wars South Africa produced Afrikaner capitalist. They emerged in the financial sector by establishing the Boere Saamwerk, Avbob, Sanlam, KWV, Volkskas and Uniewinkels, to name a few. The state on the other side created institutions like ESKOM in 1923, SASOL in the 1950s as well as ISCOR…. Exploitation of African people …
The education sector has been an influential instrument since colonization. This is because it is one of the primary agents of socialization which influence people’s thoughts, attitudes, and behaviours. It is a fundamental component which moulds and reproduces members of society. Its influence cuts through the civil, public, and public sector. By Siphokazi Mbolo. Find …
The manifestation of ethnic conflict in Malamulele signifies that the ANC has not addressed or dismantled the colonial and apartheid social relations. In 2015, David Masondo’s seminal paper ‘Tribalism, language and the national question in post-apartheid SA’ pointed out that the resurgence of tribal consciousness in Malamulele was because of the ANC’s post-apartheid failure to …
This province which post 94 has seen sharpened racial conflict, is populated by a majority of coloureds with Africans and Whites as minorities. In light of the nation building project, how should these tensions be understood? Does the manifestation demonstrate an unresolved national question? Are we failing the national building project? What are the political …
…why is nationalist ideology depicted as though men and women have different goals and agendas for the nation? Why is nationalism portrayed as patriotic manhood and exalted and romanticized motherhood? Why should the liberation of these two genders be unequal and different?… Post-independence, nationalists use the state to facilitate further divides. For example, refusing to …
South Africa, as diverse as it is, is not combined to form a nation based on shared values, heritage and history. It remains polarized, both racially and ethnically. This does not mean South Africa’s democracy is dysfunctional. Iit merely states that South Africa still faces challenges of a united society, manifested in issues such as …
“Theory of the national question is more about national oppression within a given society with intention to emerge with a programme that will facilitate both national and class struggles to build a nation with specific material conditions… The National Democratic Revolution remains the best scientific project to address the legacy of the national question in …
European discourse on the nation…oscillated between… two conceptions: The first, derived from the experience of the French Revolution that placed emphasis on a set of democratic values and equality before the law constituting the basis for a community of free citizens. The second placed emphasis on the distinctions of geography, language, culture and ethnos that …
In the African National Congress’ Strategy and Tactics document, the National Democratic Revolution is saddled with the responsibility of unravelling three basic and inter-related contradictions. These are:- The reality of South Africa being a nation where the colonised and coloniser shares in the spoils of the country – what is commonly referred to as Colonialism …