“The way the capitalist markets work, however, is that they anticipate more and more growth as workers go to work every day and create new value while being exploited by the bosses. When that’s not happening, there’s a big crisis. Marxist economics is crucial to understanding what is behind the economic catastrophe accompanying the COVID-19 …
“In our context we paid lip service in regards to building a strong, professional and proficient state that directs and support economic growth and development through effective state entities that can drive strategic investments initiatives. In other words, we do not have the necessary mechanisms or instruments such as professional and highly skilled bureaucracy to …
“The Old Mutual Annual Survey Report in 2016 further showed that that usage of stokvels in South Africa by black households has increased from 50% in 2010 to 59% in 2016. As a consequent, there are different types of stokvels that black household members belonged to. In 2016 there were burial stokvels at 34% and …
We have been very shy to speak boldly about structural economic reforms to address a system still bearing an apartheid architecture… The cost of living has also been increasing with prices of food, fuel and education all going up by huge margins…Covid-19 presents a plethora of challenges, chief amongst them is the looming unavoidable job …
“The developmental state must not be equated as holiday resort for capitalism. It must produce an approach to develop the economy without prescripts of the ruling class. The state must collaborate with the private sector to enhance national interests. The roles and objectives of state capitalism in building the economy must be determined by the …
“The neglect of the informal economy is owed to the historical focus on informality as minute and survivalist economic activity in developing countries. Informality was seen and treated as a symptom of underdevelopment, or the beginning stages of what would eventually become a formalised economic activity. The desertion of the informal economy is also exacerbated …
“We must examine the possibilities of sustaining the global thrust. What is the function of the pandemic if not one of forging solidarity? Not to do so would be suicidal. This calls for a sustained inter-science and global ethics. We have to move beyond disconnections and territorializations, to ever new connections. For such a political …
“The ANC should lead South Africa in a new programme of Growth & Reconstruction.…In addition to the spatial transformation of the apartheid geography and ensuring the schooling and higher education programmes recover from the impact of COVID-19, the Growth & Reconstruction programme should articulate specific and accelerated plans aimed at overcoming growth-impediments in key sectors…” …
Under the rubric of #BuildBackBetter, governments are grappling with how long-term economic recovery promotes a more sustainable growth path that addresses the inherent contradictions and constraints to human development… …this type of economic recovery can unlock enormous potential and investment opportunities for both developed and developing countries. It can enable economies to recover and grow; …
“Economically, compared to fifteen years ago, the balance of forces has shifted against the forces of change. The debt burden and the legacy of state capture wear down the fiscus leaving little room for manoeuvre. Measures to stabilise the fiscal situation, such as VAT increases, have an immediate negative social impact; and agencies like Eskom …